Prevention Shampoos For Lice – Do They Work?

Lice Repelling Shampoos - Do They Work?

Lice Repelling Shampoos – Do They Work?

Weather you’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with a head lice infestation or you really don’t want to experience the displeasure, people want to know “Do Lice Prevention Products really work?”

Sales for lice prevention products are certainly on the rise, but that doesn’t mean that they work.  In this article Parents’ Latest Pick: Herbal Shampoos to Keep Away Lice by Timothy W. Martin of the Wall Street Journal they share some lice product sales statistics:

‘Sales of prescription lice treatments—used once the bugs have taken hold—rose to $73.8 million last year, up 15% from 2006, according to research firm IMS Health Inc. Sales of over-the-counter lice treatments—which include preventive and removal products—grew 11% over the past five years to $78.9 million for the year ended Nov. 27, according to Chicago-based market researcher SymphonyIRI Group, whose figures don’t include Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’

The owner of Let’s Be P.A.L.S a head lice treatment service in Virginia Beach says “I’ve been treating families with head lice for 11 years and I can’t tell you the number of times clients say ‘I’ve been using lice prevention products and we STILL got lice‘ I’ve probably heard that statement in over half of the families I’ve treated.”

In the article by Timothy W. Martin this from some public-health experts:

‘Some public-health experts and school nursing groups are skeptical about the lice-prevention products, citing a lack of formal evidence. The National Association of School Nurses says in a position paper to its members that, based on several research pediatric, dermatology and nursing journal articles, the preventive products have presented “little scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness.”‘

And our favorite

Richard Pollack, an entomology instructor and insect expert at the Harvard School of Public Health ….Most louse diagnosis is wrong, with dandruff or food crumbs confused for nits or eggs, Mr. Pollack says. He says he is skeptical that the lice-prevention products are any more effective than regular shampoos or conditioners.’ “These companies might as well claim that their products repel alligators,” he says.

Why are lice removal companies selling products if they don’t work? Well, to make money of course! If you come across a lice treatment service that wants to sell you a bunch of expensive lice repelling shampoo and conditioner as part of their lice treatment plan think twice about your purchase! We’ve come across several head lice treatment services suggesting that if you wash every day with the shampoo and conditioner that they sell that it will help with preventing a lice infestation.

There’s a great study read titled 10 Head Lice Repellents by Deon Canyon and in Final Considerations/Conclusion it states:

‘…..There are currently no functional head lice repellents available and all products claiming that they are effective repellents do so facetiously……. The challenge is significant because a head lice repellent needs to be close to perfect to be worth using.’

So what is the best prevention for head lice? Julie the founder of Let’s Be P.A.L.S lice treatment of Virginia Beach says “We don’t sell any lice prevention products because of the lack of evidence that they work. We want to be as helpful to families experiencing a lice outbreak as possible. Combing with a professional nit comb daily if you can and wet combing for early detection once a week is the best prevention besides keeping the hair unavailable – where there is no bridge for the lice to get into your hair there will be no lice!”

If you still feel strongly about purchasing lice repelling shampoos and conditioners go straight to the manufacturer the “non” brand product and save some money.  Nit Free is the non brand name and they usually have some shipping savings as well.

To answer the question “Do lice prevention shampoos really work?” Take our poll and tell us what you think?

Contributor:  Let’s Be P.A.L.S , Julie B


Parents’ Latest Pick: Herbal Shampoos to Keep Away Lice

10 Head Lice Repellents
By Deon Canyon

Head Lice Rates Virginia Beach Never Pay Hourly Fees Again!


Why not?

What does it all mean? We know even though you are distraught over head lice that you are going to do your research.

There is a lot of information out there on the internet and we know that most people can get easily overwhelmed with questions, Do I wash everything? Do I bag everything? And now you’ve got ANOTHER equation thrown into the mix flat rates vs. hourly rates for a professional lice service.

Well, we are here to tell you that there is NOTHING to beware of when it comes to a companies rate structure in the lice service business. Flat OR Hourly. Most head lice services nationwide have chosen to set up their business with an hourly rate structure and some use a flat rate structure.

There is NOTHING to BEWARE of in either case (as far as rate structure goes) it’s simply a choice. There is no right or wrong. Any legitimate company would never try to scare you about rates.

Things to consider:

  1. Flat-rate billing is a charge for what we know and the results that can be delivered.  Hourly billing is a charge for the amount of time worked. Why would a job that takes 30 minutes ($50) be charged the same rate as a job that takes 2 hours ($200)?
  2. Consider the project – conventional wisdom has it that a detailed project with a definite beginning and ending deserves a set, flat price, while an ongoing, open-ended job is a better fit for an hourly rate.

Note:  If you know for sure you have a very heavy infestation it would make sense to call a flat rate company.

If a company tries to scare you then you have to consider their motivation and what it means to you. Don’t let anyone scare you – it’s not right, you have enough to worry about already!

Here are some Head Lice Treatment companies serving Virginia:

Let’s Be P.A.L.S the only Virginia Beach based Head Lice Treatment company offers all types of service options to fit anyone’s needs, A 100% satisfaction guarantee. All natural products and a proven track record. (Hourly Rate)

Lice Doctors:  In many cities including all of Hampton Roads. (Hourly Rate)

Lickety Nit:  Based in Suffolk, Va serving Hampton Roads. They tout the Air Allie device (Flat Rate)

Be sure to ask the lice service you decide to use about their guarantee and any hidden fees. Many companies have hidden fees like unlisted travel fees, mandatory return visits for guaranteed service and added gratuities.

Contributor:  Let’s Be P.A.L.S

Head Lice & Back To School in Virginia

Head Lice and Back To School in Virginia7 Ways to Help Your Child & Yourself Get Ready for Back To School

The end of the Summer  brings the start of a whole new school year, with different subjects, teachers, schedules and people etc. Being well-organized and prepared makes going back to school enjoyable and successful.

Buying notebooks and scoping out sales is the easy part. There are less tangible things you can do as well.

Here are 7 ways you can help your child — and yourself — get ready to go back to school.

1. Re-Establish School Routines

It’s basic training drill time the last few weeks before school starts. Practice getting up and getting dressed as if school were in session and scheduling snacks and lunch time around the school schedule

2. Break Summer Habits

Get up & get out. Practice leaving the house in the morning. Yes, actually getting dressed out of PJ’s and going somewhere scheduled. It will help to break the summer habits like relaxing in your PJ’s until Noon!

3. Nurture Independence

Practice having your child manage basic needs without having to rely on you, such as, organizing school materials, viewing school website for valuable information, like gym clothes costs or any other item that might need to be done at school by your student. Even young children can build confidences and independence skills. Have them practice writing their name or tying their shoes

4. Set Up Homework Routines in Advance

It’s easier to follow a routine if you have it planned out. Plan what time and where your child will study. A routine helps every one stay in sync.

5. Make a Sick-Day Game Plan (or yes, a Head Lice Plan)

Before school begins line up a trusted babysitter or group of parents that can help out if the children get sick (or have head lice). Know the school policy for release forms etc.

6. Attend Orientations to Meet and Greet

Be sure to meet your children’s teachers and be an active participant in their school lives.

7. Make it a Family Affair

Get kids involved in ownership of their plans. Have them decide their routine and set expectations – they’ll be more likely to follow the plan!

Don’t forget to Download Your FREE Quick Family Lice Removal Guide

Author/Contributor:  Julie B

Let’s Be PALS on Google Plus


Does Chlorine Kill Lice? Enjoying Virginia Beach

does chlorine kill lice? Virginia Beach Lice Treatment Experts

My Sister has Lice so she can’t go swimming right?

That was a response from a 7 year old wishful brother during a head lice treatment for his sister.

A Virginia beach Mom asked inquisitively and always in a concerned voice “can the kids still go swimming?” And the resounding answer to that is yes. She responded “oh, the chlorine kills them?” No, chlorine won’t kill head lice and it won’t drown them either – that was the other question from the 7 year old brother (but not about the lice). Oh brothers, you’ve got to love them. Thank goodness they usually grow up and actually like their sisters (as soon as their friends start liking their sister) Ok, back to lice and swimming pools.

We went searching online to find some studies to reference and we came across this Q.  “Can you catch lice in a swimming pool?” A. “Not if it’s oxidized” Oh boy!  Let’s get this out of the way first. I’m not sure what oxidizing a swimming pool means but it doesn’t have anything to do with head lice or their transmission in a swimming pool. So Mom’s please don’t go buy an oxidizer for your swimming pool if you found that answer online.

Data shows that head lice can survive under water for several hours (some studies say up to 16 hours) but are unlikely to be spread by the water in a swimming pool. Head lice have been seen to hold tightly to human hair and not let go when submerged under water. Chlorine levels found in pool water do not kill head lice.

Swimming with someone who has lice carries no greater risk of transmission than any other activity, nor will the water affect the infestation.  When lice are in water they go into a state of suspended animation but remain firmly locked onto the hair – literally hanging on for their lives.

We did find research study information that says ” In the field trial, four naturally infected individuals swam in a chlorinated pool for 30 min. No loss of lice or head to head transfer was observed. These results indicated that although head lice survive immersion, head lice transmission is unlikely to occur via the water of swimming pools” You can read the full article US National Library of Medicine.

So, with so many fun swimming options in Virginia Beach, you don’t need to worry about catching or sharing head lice in the water. If you suspect head lice be sure to call for a head lice check or learn how to do an at home lice head check.

Other Resources/References:

Answers adapted from content on the websites of the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) & Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)

Publisher:  Let’s Be P.A.L.S

Contributor:  Julie B


Lice Removal Rates In Virginia

Lice Removal Cost

Lice Sized Up

Lice Removal. Once you’ve found out you or your child has lice – most Moms will do anything to get rid of it. We often hear “I don’t care how much it cost”  So that brought us to how much does it really cost for head lice removal and are the rates fair and reasonable across the board for lice treatment companies serving Virginia Beach and the Hampton Roads area.

There are by the hour rates and flat rates, which one is better?  Well, if you do the math they basically come out the same (usually) WITH the exception that a a flat rate company is definitely going to be worried about the time they spend on your hair and this in effect could affect their performance?

How is this so?

Well, let’s think about it for a moment – obviously they are in business so they certainly need to make money – they aren’t working for free.  The average cost of a lice treatment in Virginia Beach is $100/hour.

There is a flat rate company in the area that charges by short and long hair (this could be a problem – because what is the definition of short and long hair? If my hair were below my ears but not quit yet to my shoulder is it short or long? If you or your family member has lice – you don’t have time to think or worry about what category the length of your hair falls in. There are other lice companies like Kidz Lidz Salon that charge by the person (or flat rate) that identify the hair length and this seems to be very helpful.

Ok, back to flat vs hourly rates.  So, let’s use an analogy.  If you brought your car to an auto mechanic and it was a $200 flat rate to get your transmission replaced (yes, this is a fictitious amount) , how good of a job and how much time do you think they would spend on replacing your transmission?

That’s right, as little time as possible and certainly aren’t going to do the best job they can – why would they? They are only getting paid $200 no matter what they do and in a flat rate situation the provider is always going to work in their own favor just getting the job done at as little effort as possible. As for the hourly rate you could argue that a person may take much longer than needed to vamp up the costs.  So flat rate or hourly? Take the poll below and let us know what you think?

Other things to consider when researching a lice removal company, are they bonded? Are they licensed to do business in your area? Just ask, they can provide you with a bond and license number.

Two of the lice companies do their marketing around the medical industry “doctors & nurses” And that’s exactly what it is – marketing.

In fact, most of the technicians that work for these companies are just sub contractors. They aren’t medically licensed at all.   It takes a unique person to take on this job.  You must be patient, compassionate, have a desire to truly help others, have the experience and the right tools.

We have to ask the question if an RN’s average salary is $67,000/year – or a Doctors who’s is much more why would they aspire to be a nit-picker? It’s tricky business advertising.

Ahhhhh, the glamour of marketing and advertisement.

We’d like to give a shout out to Wendy at Lice Doctors, she’s very knowledgeable and has 20 years experience with the Lice business – true lice professionals and they do good marketing too!

Other lice companies serving the area: Nit Nurses, Nit Fairies & Lickety Nit (they toote the super duper louse buster machine – more on that later)

Take our poll and tell us what you think?  Do you have a question about head lice or something you’d like to add?

We’d love to hear from you just fill out the contact form below or contact us

Head louse nits on human hair

Head louse nits on human hair (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Some other helpful information about Lice Removal:

About Head Lice

What are Nits?

Lice or Dandruff?